Nathans | Portfolio
Hey I'm Nathan 👋
I've been a problem-solving enthusiast since I was a wee bambi. In my spare time, I convert concepts from frontend-mentor into fullstack applications. You can often find me chatting and helping with like-minded members of various online communities. Professionally by trade I'm a software engineering consultant currently with Visual Boston. However, I'm always open to new & enticing problems to solve so let’s connect at [email protected] .

Working with VisualBoston allowed me to work with a team of talented digital product experts focused on all aspects of the software life-cycle. which lead me in many directions from implementing interactive designs to working with complex & intricate micro-serivces.
My Time at Web Revived started of with small, young & enthusiastic team which taught me how to interact with others team members and work with them efficently & how to plan & execute making web-apps.
What I've Worked with
- React
- Svelte
- Vuejs
- Next
- Nuxt
- Quasar
- Gatsby
- React Query
- Redux
- React Hook Form
- p5.js
- TailwindCss
- WindiCss
- Vite
- Fasitfy
- Express.js
- Nestjs
- Sequelize
- Prisma
- Typescript
- Deno js
- Strapi
- Docker
- Vercel
- Vultr
- Cloudflare
- Neovim
- Visual Studio Code
- Gitpod